hommage aux pêcheurs

Encore Georges Bertré, sein portrait eines alten Fischers aus Douarnenez chosen pour l’hommage au pêcheurs , avec le correspondent de Frank Meadow Sutcliffe from Whitby seaside.

hommage au pêcheur, portrait de Georges Bertré seen à Douarnenez, Port Rhû Museum.

Portrait von Frank Meadow Sutcliffe, old marine at Whitby, England.
Frank (Francis), 1853-1941, was a creative fotographer, hatte in der Skinner Street in Whitby his shop, and porträtierte die Bewohner und Touristen, to the dislike of his father Thomas, Maler et Radierer, who encouraged him to become a photograph professionelle (http://www.sutcliffe-gallery.co.uk). His most famous work are 1886 Bilder des enfants nus, avec academic conventions. Der lokale Klerus jedoch exkommunizierte ihn, arguing that this would harm l’autre sex. Later the prince of Wales bought a print.

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