La vague de Hokusai à Pen Men

This vague de Hokusai is not the most famous. The original setting of course shows the Fudjijama, but looking at Groix an impressive vue for me has been Pen Men. La vague has been adapted to notre way of writing, von links nach rechts.

It is said that the success of this most famous wave stems from the fact that the wave goes from left to right, contrary to the japanese way of writing.

Cette vague de Hokusai has been turned around from left to right, to adapt this opposite view to our way of writing, and the Mimosa has been pasted in this sea, suggesting a trip to Japan. Cette view uneasy for Europeans has not been accepted - the links-rechts view wird viel frequent verkauft.

The beliebtere lino has been slightly enlarged and printed as sérigraphie on canvas:

merci de Kilian il y a now a sunset version

and a red clean version

Le matin

Die Ausfahrt, departure at sunrise, is a favorite motiv around 6 to 8 in summer. In a 1992 sketch from July 20 the sun slowly moved through low cloudes.

in a later sketch fog was hiding the sun completement

The lino goes back to a photograph of the Ptit Stanis, taken with a 500 mm tele.

This picture has also been used for a small aquarell in 1998.

Most fascinating is the reflection of sunlight at the ship’s surface at low sunheight, all ranges from golden to pink, together with the Bugwelle, topic of another aquarell.

A few prints have been made on paper with an imprint of a boat’s wooden surface. This fisherboat rotting next to Port Lay has been used as cliché, avec d’incre d’imprimerie, and the paper used après for imprimer “le matin”.

The lino plate wird auf den Bootsabdruck geprintet:

In 2007 le version rouge a trouvé einen Liebhaber

Haliotis tuberculata

Nous préferons les ormeau, les oreilles de mer, die Meerohren, Haliotis tuberculata, et comme Franck nous avons une collection of all sizes, trying to find the plus petite. Une linogravure enlarges the pattern of this fine animal.

Just in 2006 Lena and I spotted small living species at mer basse close to Locmaria.

Die Muschelsammlerin

La petite plage des naturistes is loved for ses petites Muscheln, which however are not mollusques bivalves but Schnecken, mollusques gastéropodes. Die Sammlerin, the collecting woman, is Gunda, but des autres filles et femmes have been in the same position, Lena, Hoëlenn, Annaic, Doreen, Mégane…, at this beach, Ker Bethanie, or at other Stränden.

Trivia monacha, the spotted cowrie, le grain de café, avec 3 taches brunes, et Trivia arctica, the arctic cowrie, sans spots, se trouve chez Mimi, qui habite à Créhal, dans une collection des bouteilles full of Kauris, collected at Le Paradis. Kauris are well-known Zahlungsmittel – a substitute for money – but also sex symbols as Zoë pointed out, resembling la sexe de femme. Les petites Trivias de l’Atlantique froide resemble in size of their ridges die Hautpapillen.

more precise sollte es Schneckensammlerin heißen:

Boîtes du thon

Unexpectedly on trouve une collection des boites à la décharge, le thon de Orvoën, de Calloch, de Kersaho, des sardines de Orvoën, dans une aquarelle (1997).

See here Juju playing avec les boites 1992 à l'Auberge de Jeunesse:

Une idée était to stapel 3 cans, and there were several versions, which were displayed at an exposition à La Godaille en 1995.

On that occasion we met la famille Orvoën, et ils achetait 3 similar versions of this aquarell. One day Maryvonnic ordered another aquarell, und um ihr eine Freude zu machen, beschloss ich ihre Thunfischbüchse als oberste zu stellen. Dazu machte ich extra einen Besuch im Ecomusée, weil ich diese Büchse nicht hatte, und malte das Bild im Museum fertig. Als sie das Bild aber sah, wurde sie ganz unruhig, und sagte mir, dass sie erst ihren Vater fragen müsste.

Schließlich wollte sie das Bild nicht kaufen. Ich bin jetzt froh, dass ich es noch habe. Ebenso ging es mit der Sardinenbüchse. Madame Orvoën bestellte dieses Bild, fragte aber bei Ablieferung nach einem Preisnachlaß, weil sie gerade ein Haus gekauft hatte. Auch dieses Bild konnte ich so behalten, und musste es nicht hergeben. For me it was a better feeling to keep these pictures.
As the motiv turned out to b a success I decided to make a lino, and several color versions exist.

les nouveau colours: pleine white, silver, yellow:

As a new approach we slightly enlarged the printed lino on a silk screen. Prints were made on canvas and wood:

sometimes a new version may appear:


L’histoire commence le 18 juillet 1992. I was sketching in Quehello past 10 at night. Les lumières were disappearing gradually and I had to work vite. Later when Franck saw my sketchbook it was his favorite, reminding him on his histoire and life at the Ile.

Quehello was on my daily tour to the décharge de collectionner le past, and my favourite discovery was a box of empty boîtes du thon, later handed to the écomusée. On later tours, when the dump had been closed il y avait des pétanque meetings on Dimanche. See a 2008 September view just before 8 p.m. - c'est so ähnlich.

La chtrouille (mot bizarre, le jargon des pêcheurs en haute mer) has been my first window to l’histoire de l’Ile. Consider une lettre à Monsieur Le Dref, Village de Locmaria de 1948, the year I was born,

considering that we spent a summer vacation in Locmaria renting a house from Madame Le Dref in 1978. Have a look at the backyard.

Revisited 11.7.93, 21.45-22.15

Toujours le café était fermé. Except for one year. Now in 2006 I noticed that things start disappearing – the letters are washed away, and one wing of the windows was stolen, traces still visible at the wall.

Now in 2008 the second wing has gone...

But Quehello is well alive, voir la fete (19. August)

Le premier groisillone on avait connue était Albert Boterf. Il y a numerous Boterfs listed having lived at Quehello or as it was called Kerhello : Alexis, Alain, Angelique, Barbe, Cathérine, Cécile, Laurant, Marie, Maurice, Michelle, Perrine et Vincent, tous dans la 18ème siècle. Je met Albert avec Dominique Duviard à Le Korrigan, le cinéma. Cette année (1978) Dominique avait produced a remarkable book on les bateaux groisillone, which I wanted to have, and he made his nice Widmung:

Dominique scientist, historian and artist; entomologist, ecologist, portrait trouvé à

look at one of his organisms studied à la Côte d’Ivoire, Dysdercus voelkeri, cotton bugs, here a feeding aggregation at a seed, picture from the colleagues at

Quehello is on the way to Port St. Nicolas

The essentials of this port sont la vache, the big rock, and the line-up of bateaux.
Mais il y a beaucoup des autres fascinating spots ici: le lavoir, le mémorial, des maisons avec des histoires...