La vague de Hokusai à Pen Men

This vague de Hokusai is not the most famous. The original setting of course shows the Fudjijama, but looking at Groix an impressive vue for me has been Pen Men. La vague has been adapted to notre way of writing, von links nach rechts.

It is said that the success of this most famous wave stems from the fact that the wave goes from left to right, contrary to the japanese way of writing.

Cette vague de Hokusai has been turned around from left to right, to adapt this opposite view to our way of writing, and the Mimosa has been pasted in this sea, suggesting a trip to Japan. Cette view uneasy for Europeans has not been accepted - the links-rechts view wird viel frequent verkauft.

The beliebtere lino has been slightly enlarged and printed as sérigraphie on canvas:

merci de Kilian il y a now a sunset version

and a red clean version

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