Port Melite

Port Melite, version 2

Port Melite, version 1

Port Mélite, according to one routier the most beautiful plage de Groix, mais ce n’est pas my Meinung. But it is a remarkable place, with the empty house of capitaine Pejol, next to the house of Tudy Tonerre, who got to know les allemands during l’occupation, les murmuring trees, close to the fields of mures, fields of dark violet, le dolmen (époque néolithique), la petite plage, avec des histoires joyful et triste (quand l'helicoptere decole au dessus de Port-Mélite après avoir effectue un sauvetage, see utube). Maintenant the entrance to les grands sables, or better what s’apelle LGS at the moment.
This picture is not a true view of Port Mélite Beach. It is mixing the views of two positions to describe the area: one from behind the trees showing the left side of the beach, and l’autre close to les maisons showing the right side. As la plage might have been Picassos place à Groix, la femme descending resembles his Badende, but due to the conventions of the place, madame n’est pas nue.

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